Hello Guys

On my blog i want to explain you about Procedure Text,the first part of Procedure text is How To Do.

Before explain about How To Do,we have to know the meaning of Procedure text.





 What Is Procedure Text ?

The definition of procedure text is the texts that explain how something works or how to use instruction / operation manuals e.g. how to use the video, the computer, the tape recorder, the photocopier, the fax. 

 Generic Structure 

  1. Goal/Aim
         This text contains about purpose of making or operating of something.
2. Materials/Equipment  
        Materials consist of ingredients that are used in making something. But not all parts of procedure            text includes materials, sometimes a procedure text does not have materials section
3. Steps/Methods

        The purpose of procedure text is to tell the reader how to do or make something. The information         is presented in a logical sequence of events which is broken up into small sequenced steps.  

Characteristics of Procedure Text

Procedure text has the following characteristics: 

• Using the simple present tense  

• Using imperative sentences (command sentences). Example: add two spoons , cook with low heat , blend the spices , etc. 

• Using the verbs action . Example: add, put, turn . 

• Using numbering . Example: first, second, third . 

• Using conjunctions ( conjunctions ). Example: next, then, while . 

• Using adverbs ( adverbs ) to clarify the stages that are passed. Example: correctly, carefully, slowly, for 2 minutes , etc 


Exampel of Procedure Text

1. Join a meeting

2. Click the "^" next to the stop video button 

3. Select choose a virtual background 

4. Add an image from your computer

5. If the image isn't masking properly ,change the background color zoom samples from


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